7 Top Superfoods to Speed Up The Fat Burning Process: Healthy Eating

Superfoods Power Volume 1: Weight Loss
Superfoods Power Volume 1: Weight Loss

Charles James went through quite an ordeal. Diagnosed with Crohn's disease he was weak and barely able to do daily tasks. Because Crohn's disease involves the degeneration of the digestive tract he began to research foods that could possibly help to improve his digestion and alleviate some of his symptoms.

His series of books on the topics: weight loss, cholesterol, memory and more was the result of this research. Charles James is feeling tremendously better primarily from changing his diet.

I read the first of his series: Superfoods Volume 1: Weight Lossfrom my background as a former buyer for a health food store, the nutritional qualities of the foods he promotes are very in line with information I have continued to read from health food industry sources.

Mr. James presents his material in a very clear, not overly technical fashion; giving you key reasons to eat certain foods without boring you with too much scientific research. He also gives great tips for buying and storing these foods.

I was surprised by the nutritional content of some foods that I never really thought much about like: pin nuts and pumpkin.

I recommend you give this book a read... especially if you have been struggling with extra weight.  James's recommendations for weight loss do not have you deprive your body of nutrition like most diets... he instead recommends healthily foods that help you suppress your appetite while increasing your health. 

I am giving away a free e-copy of Charles James: Superfoods Volume 1: Weight Loss. Just add your name to the rafflecopter 

Good Health,
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Weekly Menu Plan:

Sunday: Half Crocked Beef Stew (frozen leftovers) with Rolls

Meatless Monday: Tofu Stir-Fry

Tuesday: Tonno Tuna and Shrimp Cocktail with Pesto Pasta

Wednesday: Butter Beans with Collard Greens and Bacon over Quinoa

Friday: Cod Loins Sauted in Butter, Roasted Asparagus with Small Red Potatoes Butter and Chives 

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