butter with a side of bread, british beans on toast
My husband, Mike, is sitting next to me as I type this post (he's never done that). Just watching me. Getting pathetically excited to tell me (again) all about beans. Beans on toast.

Mike: "Amanda... they are soooo good!" 
Me: "Yes, Mikal, I know. We've eaten a can a day since you got these earlier this week. I know they are good." 

Let's backtrack: Mike spent 2 years in England, and while he was there, apparently fell hard and fast for British beans, traditionally served on toast. 

Fast forward to this Christmas: one broken robot gift later, and rather than replacing the robot, my parents ordered Mike a 12-pack of his beloved beans. They arrived this week, and I'm pretty sure we're a starchy, carb-filled family! Said 12-pack is going quick. Mike is one happy American, longing for his days in England.
butter with a side of bread, british beans on toast
^^ Look what happens when you Google "British breakfast..." Mike warned me- "Just wait! You'll see beans. Everywhere. And ham. Real ham! Brits know breakfast." 
It's true. 
The bloke is right!
Google "American breakfast" and you get much more variety- blueberry pancakes, French toast... but the Brits? They apparently stick to their beans! And for good reason.
butter with a side of bread, british beans on toast
 A few things to note: 
- There are no alternatives in the United States. None. No other brands that are similar- from what I hear, if you're in the US, you have to go to an import store, or shop online (bless you, Amazon!). England's WalMart is Asda. I guess there you can get other brands and flavors (i.e.: Beans Curry? What the?)... So either go to England, or head to a British market.
- These things are cheap. Cheap-cheap! Like, less than 50 cents a can. No wonder they're the Ramen of the Brits. And no wonder he ate them so much:) Here? Not so cheap. They do have to travel a long way...
- This isn't the only British delicacy that he (we) pray will come to the US- also longed for? Yogurt. Muller yogurt. Remember this? Oh, nothing compares to yogurt from across the pond... Rumor has it the east coast can now bask in Muller deliciousness... but not here in Utah. Tear. For now? We'll have to rely on imported beans.
butter with a side of bread, british beans on toast
I guess I should tell you how to make them, huh? Super hard. Get ready.
1. Toast bread. Any bread.
3. Pour beans over toast (whole or ripped). I dunk. I don't like soggy bread.

Alright, Americans. Go channel your inner Brit!

Anyone else have a food they just crave? I know, we've kind of talked about this before, but is there anything you just miss? From travels? Living in other lands? Do tell!

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