How to Make Yellow Tomato Soup

When I grew my garden last year, I grew several varieties of yellow tomatoes. Part of this was motivated by my fascination with non-grocery store colors of food (purple potatoes, yellow zucchini, purple carrots, etc). The other part was motivated by an amazingly delicious yellow tomato soup I was served while touring the English countryside with my grandparents when I graduated from high school. This soup was amazing enough that I remember it more than a decade later and it motivated me to grow yellow tomatoes just to recreate that soup. It was that good.
And I think I did it. When I told my husband we were having yellow tomato soup for dinner, he was skeptical but he is now a believer, too.

You'll never believe how easy it is to make tomato soup. Just add all the ingredients to a pot, simmer and then blend. You'll never want to go back to the canned stuff after this.
  • 4 pints canned yellow tomatoes (I used 3 cans taxi, 1 can yellow brandywine. Use what you have. Even red tomatoes will turn out well)
  • 1.5 onions, chopped
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 3.5 cups chicken (or veggie) broth
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • 2 Tbsp dried basil
  • 2 Tbsp dried oregano
  • 2 tsp dried thyme
  1. Add all ingredients to a large pot and stir to combine. Bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered about 30 minutes to allow flavors to blend. Taste and adjust salt and spices as necessary. Simmer an additional 10 minutes.
  3. Use an immersion blender (I like this one) to blend soup until smooth. 
  4. Serve hot and garnish with Parmesan cheese and a dash of dried thyme or fresh basil leaves.
This batch turned out a little orange looking because of the orange brandywine tomatoes. To make your really yellow, use Taxi tomatoes. You can also use this recipe to make red tomato soup.

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