Mike & I have been lucky enough to make our way to Hawaii 3 times in our marriage... ironically, we've hit those magical islands in '07, '09, & '11. Notice a pattern? The next year would technically be '13 (that's this year, yes?). As I sit here wheezing (9+ months pregnant), dreaming of sunshine and aloha, I realize this year we break the cycle. No Hawaii for us! While scrolling through our photos, I thought I'd share some of my most favorite parts of travel: the food! I figure that'd make me feel better, right? Or worse. Likely worse. 
I'm currently dreaming of fresh fruit, shave ice, and, well, the beach. THE BEACH!!!
I'll be honest- we are not adventurous eaters. At all. We are cheap. And creatures of habit! We are low-key. That being said, we've found some great strategies & stops along the way! Let me share a few. 
Ahem, Hawaii edition:
Butter with a side of bread, dreaming of aloha
^^ In the top 3 "best things in Hawaii according to the Petersens" is the fruit. Fruit stands to be exact. Our favorite spot we've found lies along the Kam Highway on the North Shore of Oahu (there are a few to choose from). They are a must every time! Grab some cut papaya, mango, or coconut from the cooler, and chow down in the car. With the windows down, traffic crawling at a snail's pace, surfers running across the streets, waves crashing 10 ft. away, and turtles beached on the shore? Perfection!
 ^^While you're up north (Haleiwa to be exact), you have to stop at Matsumoto's! Kind of one of those tourist staples (there are other spots, but we love it here). Grab a big 'ol shave ice. With ice cream. It's the best! Sit down out back if you can find a bench. Your butt will probably be stuck to it thanks to spilled syrup that lines the seats. Also, the wild chickens will likely sit at your feet like begging dogs, waiting for syrup-y ice to fall so they can eat your scraps. Those are the strangest chickens, ever. (Although I don't blame them. It's just a strange sight to see.)
Butter with a side of bread, dreaming of aloha
^^ The best shave ice we've ever had (and we've had our fair share of shave ice) is at Ululani's. We went to their "store" in Lahaina on Maui. By store, I mean mini-nook along the busy main street (although I think it's moved?). We walked by it 4 times before seeing the arrow pointing "Ululani's, this way!" We went back at least twice once a day for the remainder of our stay in Maui. Give me strength this stuff is bliss!
Butter with a side of bread, dreaming of aloha
 ^^Trip Advisor is one of my favorite places to explore before going on a trip- we've had some super positive experiences thanks to great reviews! I mean, there have been a few disappointments, but overall, every experience has been an adventure! I'm a huge Trip Advisor fan. The Gazebo in Maui was one of our fun experiences. It came highly recommended, and was a perfect breakfast spot. We've learned that a huge breakfast can tide you over until dinner! This one did. The Gazebo was right on the beach. We whale watched while we waited in line for an hour:) I had their famous mac nut pancakes, and Mike went for a traditional breakfast... with rice! We almost always share meals because we can never finish them. We flew out this day so we got our own... but didn't make a dent in finishing our breakfasts!
Butter with a side of bread, dreaming of aloha
 ^^Bogarts is our favorite breakfast spot in Oahu. It's right off Waikiki, but filled with more locals than tourists. Their banana waffles are divine. And I can't stop singing Jack Johnson whenever I eat them (nor can I hear the song without dreaming of Bogarts...:) Most of these places are still cash-only, which kind of baffles me? Anyway, it's worth the cash! Kimo's in Lahaina was another spot recommended- I surprised Mike with a "nice dinner." We sincerely never eat out past 4PM on vacation (it's so much more expensive than lunch), but this was our one splurge of the trip. On the beach. Sunset. So dreamy! We shared a meal (like normal), and finished off with our anticipated Hulu Pie! Ok- this falls in the "disappointing" category. I'm 99% sure it's just an Oreo crust, scoops of vanilla ice cream (you know, the gallon bucket kind?), Hershey's syrup, and the same peanuts they put on a McDonald's hot fudge sundae. Tear! Oh well, the sunset was worth it:) And our belief that fancy meals aren't for us was reconfirmed!
Butter with a side of bread, dreaming of aloha
^^ Another splurge was just for memory's sake- anyone remember Shirley Temples (mental note: post about Shirley Temples!)? We don't drink alcohol, but gracious me as we sat by the pool one day I remembered childhood and my dad getting me a Shirley Temple on a special occasion. I begged Mike, "Oooh! Get me one! Like a real vacationer! A bar drink!" He did. I'm sure it was $15. I don't want to know (very unlike me). It was worth it- I mean, it came with free bar trail mix. :) 
Also shown is one of our favorite spots- Wolfgang Puck Express! They have the best pizza. For less than $10, it's a great lunch to split. Although touristy spots can be downers for "authentic experiences," they do fill your belly for cheap! And if you're dining fast? Go to Wolfgang Puck for a pizza. Trust me!
Butter with a side of bread, dreaming of aloha
^^ Alright, alright. This is more-so how the Petersen's travel. Most of the time. It's how we can travel! We save oodles of money by stopping at markets when we arrive for staples- breakfast foods, snacks, etc. French bread, cheese, fruit, and a bottle of water goes a long way for less than $10! We also bring snacks and food with us on every trip (that is Ramen packed from Utah, people!). Our first trip to Hawaii we brought all our own food and only ate out once!  It was the cheapest trip ever. We were young. Although, I don't think we could ever do it that extreme again, now we try to find a happy balance. Although cheap and college-looking, once you're out on your lanai watching the sunset while others dine at the resort for $100+, and your belly is full? It's worth it! We usually only eat out once a day. We do research on the places we want to visit, and fit them into our schedule. It doesn't work for everyone, but it works for us! And it's fun!

How about you? What are your "must-go-to" spots in Hawaii or elsewhere? 
Tricks and tips on food when traveling? Do tell!

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