It's Maple Sugarin' Time!: Simple Living in Practice

tapping Maple Sugar trees
Maple Sugarin'

The nights are still getting down to freezing here in Northern Westchester NY, but the days can get up into the 40's. Last week was the first week that the temperatures rose and fell like this for the entire week... and you know what that means. IT'S SUGARIN' TIME.

sugar maple branch
Identify Your Sugar Maple tree's by their branches 

You see if you don't tap the sap of Sugar Maple trees at the right time you will not get the most sap. It takes 30 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of maple syrup. Once the weather gets too warm the sap gets cloudy, when that happens your tapping time is over.

drilling into Maple tree
My Owl Daughter drilling into the tree.

Well, it seems the Balch Family hit the season right on... we tapped our 3 trees this weekend and we already have about 35 gallons of sap... that should keep us in pancakes for a while.

sap coming out of maple tree
There is sap!

sap coming out of maple tree
Wow it is really coming out quick!

This is our first year tapping our trees. We took a class last winter but because the weather had been exceptionally mild we missed the sugarin' season.

hammering in tap to maple sugar tree
My son hammering in the tap.
attaching tube to buckets maple sugaring
My husband attaches the tubes to the buckets.

This year we are so excited... between our bee's honey and our Maple syrup we are going to be one SWEET family this Spring.

maple sugaring buckets in trees
Let it flow...

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