Olive Oil Green Beans with Salt and Pepper

It may seem like such a simple concept, but these green beans make for an awesome side dish. Olive oil is used as a healthy fat, and the simple additions of salt and pepper bring out the flavor of the green beans for a side dish that is sure to please. I'm a mom which means that easy comes in handy. It doesn't always take a complicated recipe to make great dishes, especially when it comes to fresh fruits and vegetables. My little kiddos gobble these green beans right up!


1 lb fresh green beans, trimmed
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper


1. Steam green beans in a steamer pot for about 15 minutes until desired tenderness is reached.

2. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Place the green beans in the skillet and season with salt and pepper. Saute the green beans in the olive oil for about 5 minutes.

Steamers come in handy in the kitchen. It allows you to cook vegetables (and other things) in a pot without losing any flavor or nutrients to a liquid. If you don't have a steamer pot, you can replicate the steamer by putting enough water in a pot to just barely cover the bottom. Add in your veggies, put on the lid to the pot, and bring the water to a boil. Once it begins to boil, reduce the heat to a simmer. The water in the bottom of the pan will provide enough steam to cook the veggies. You will lose some flavor and nutrients from the veggies that are actually sitting in the water, but the loss will be minimized.

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