Story time!
We went to a holiday party once and I signed up to bring the fruit salad. I think the host was thinking one of those "fluff" salads? Apples, canned... stuff, and whipped... something... I'm not sure since I've never been a fan of them (eh, too casserole-y- I have to be able to identify each food I eat by sight, not texture),  but anyway, I think that's what they thought I'd bring. 
Alas, that isn't what crossed my mind at the time. 
I made a salad of kiwi, pomegranate, blackberries, strawberries, and mango. Something like that. 
I can still see the host's face as I placed my fruit bowl on the table. She stared blankly and said, "Amanda... Why don't you just eat normal fruit? What is all this? What's that green thing?"
"The green thing? Oh, that's a... kiwi... have you never had a kiwi?"(I didn't know they were that bizarre?)
Insert another blank stare.
It was hilarious. I guess I'm not an apple/orange/banana kinda girl.
I'm allergic to apples.
Don't like oranges.
And bananas have such a tiny window of edibility (somewhere just beyond green, but pre-brown)- I eat them, I just rely on other fruits as staples I suppose?

Now, we've talked about pomegranates and pineapples before (which PS, I can only eat when fresh-fresh, otherwise they make my tongue itch. Am I alone here?).
In addition, our house downs berries by the Costco carton (they were actually some of Elle's first solids- that kid could down an entire package between the grocery store and our house! We worried about her digestion a few times, but alas, no adverse affects as of yet).
I also love mangos and papaya. There are so many great fruits out there!
When I went to the grocery store the other day I found another long-lost fruit fellow: a pomelo! It's been a while since I bought one...
butter with a side of bread, pomelo
Pomelos are delish! They taste a lot like grapefruit, but are much sweeter. They are also a heck of a lot bigger (this one was the size of a volleyball)! The peel is thicker, spongier, and tougher to peel. And kinda messy. I've found that you can just pull out the fruit- it separates right from the peel, and then the skin. Yum!
Eating a pomelo gives a very "I'm eating a delicious fresh delicacy while stranded on a desert island enjoying the sunshine, surf, and sand, killing time 'cause rescue is on it's way so I won't stress" kind of vibe. (Cool-stranded, not Castaway-who-is-devastated-because-he-lost-Wilson stranded.)

While fruits are easy-peasy to enjoy, veggies are a tougher subject in my household. We're far less adventurous. One veggie I did grow up loving is jicama!
butter with a side of bread, jicama, how to cut a jicama
Chances are, you probably had jicama at some time in a salad and didn't know it. The texture is shockingly similar to a potato- like, almost identical. The flavor is really mild, but sweet. You have to cut the skin off (it's too tough to peel); once inside, you can just slice and eat! I like to eat jicama raw... Although it's super crunchy, and if you're snacking at work (or sitting next to your spouse on the couch), you may get an evil stare or two...

What are some of your quirky likes? Fruits or veggies you love? Any weird stares from party hosts because you brought an abnormally strange food?... Is it just me?

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