I love making Valentine projects, especially ones that double as decorations. This project took about a half an hour to make, and cost less than $10. You could adjust this project to fit any holiday, or would even be cute to add to a nursery or child's bedroom. With a little help, the kids could even help put these jars together!

Supplies Needed:
{I used Tulip Fashion Glitter in Apple Red, Gold, Pink, and Red}
4 Jars, multiple sizes
Pledge Floor Finish
2 Disposable {Plastic or Paper} Cups

Step 1: Prep! Decide what color glitter you want to use on each jar. Clean your jars and make sure the inside is dried completely. You will get glitter everywhere {even if you try to stop it}, so prepare yourself for a little bit of clean-up. I like to keep a damp rag or baby wipes around for any spills.

Step 2: Pour a small amount of floor finish into the jar {maybe a little less than 1/4 full}. Slowly swirl the floor finish around the jar, and turn and tilt the jar until the inside is completely coated with floor finish. You will be able to see if you've missed a spot. When you get close to the top edge, tip the jar over one of the cups and pour the excess floor finish into it. Tap a few times to get most of the excess out. You can reuse this floor finish for the other jars.
Step 3: Set the jar down and pour the glitter into the jar. Repeat the swirling/tilting of the jar to coat the inside of the jar with glitter. The glitter magically sticks to the inside of the jar! Keep turning/tilting until you get to the top. Slowly turn/tilt and pour the excess glitter into the OTHER cup {NOT the same cup as the excess floor finish!!} and gently tap to get the stray glitter out. Carefully {with a paper funnel or mini glitter funnel} pour the extra glitter back into its' container.
Repeat steps 2 & 3 until all your jars are covered. It might also be helpful to use a separate cup for each color of glitter to prevent mixing the colors. Pour the extra floor finish back into the container when you're done.

Step 4: Using a vinyl cutter or Xacto knife, cut out your letters and stick them to the jars.
Step 5: Put the lids back on the jars and tie a ribbon around the lid.
Place on a shelf or mantel with your other decorations and enjoy the sparkle!!

Earlier this month, I went over to My Craft Channel to share how to make this project, and the technique of glittering jars and ornaments. I am so excited to announce that you can now see my episode of My Craft Studio that I filmed with Kristine McKay!!
Click below to see the show! Enjoy!