Ispahan Loaf: French Fridays with Dorie

This is not an Ispahan Loaf.
This is NOT an Ispahan Loaf.

This IS my Ispahan Loaf.

The quest for Rose syrup was a great adventure that lead me to a classic Middle Eastern restaurant, Hanna's that happen to have a Middle Eastern deli attached to it. Voila... 1 pint of Rose syrup $5 bucks and lunch next door was pretty inexpensive too.

Ah, but the execution, that's a good word to describe what I did to this loaf... I murdered it. First by forgetting to put regular flour in it, and secondly, by seriously undercooking it. A lava cake was not my intention.

The Don Quixote that I am...undaunted by my umpteenth failure at baking; I made another loaf. This time I forgot the almond flour. Having been raised Catholic, I feel obligated to confess to you. I think I know why I failed so miserably at making this cake. First: I DON'T LIKE TO BAKE. You have to follow the recipe when you bake. I just can't do that... Baking is measured and precise... I am well, the opposite of that....

also, I kinda made a little cocktail out of the Rose syrup. It was delicious... maybe too delicious.

I did get a sense from nibbling at the cooked parts of the cake what the taste of a Ispahan loaf is... and honestly... I like rose syrup more in a cocktail. The great thing about rose is the smell. Baked the smell gets flattened out. It's not aromatic anymore.
Que, sera, sera...


PS: The cocktail is good too without vodka.

A recipe (not THE recipe) for Ispahan Cake

Rose Lime Cocktail

Rose Lime Cocktail

by Diane Balch


3/4 ounce of vodka 
3/4 ounce of Rose syrup
12 ounces of seltzer water
1 lime wedge


1) pour vodka and Rose syrup into a tall glass.

2) Add seltzer 

3) Squeeze in lime juice, stir and garnish with lime peel.

Note: As a member of French Friday's with Dorie I am not allowed to print the recipe. I invite you to take a look at this wonderful cookbook "Around My French Table" if you are interested in this or any other recipe I review. 


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