Make Easter Egg Maracas

I am at a loss every year as to what to do with the plastic Easter eggs that inevitably make their way home with my child between family activities, egg hunts with friends and church activities. Should I save them (and let them take up space) until next year? Should I recycle them? Donate?

So when I saw this project that Dana from Made posted, I said out loud to myself "that's genius!" And I think you'll agree. Dana uses "white tape" (confession: I have no idea what white tape is. It looks like a cross between electrical tape and masking tape) and sharpies to decorate the eggs. I think this would be a great time to bust out some fun washi, tape, though!


  • Plastic Easter eggs
  • Popcorn
  • Spoons
  • Tape
  • Markers


Find the directions at MADE:  Easter Egg Maracas

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