Our Last Day of Making Maple Syrup: Simple Living in Practice

Pancakes topped with our very own maple syrup.

After two weeks of hauling buckets of sap from our sugar maple trees 3 times a day we made our last batch of maple syrup for the season.

It was amazing the dedication my kids put into to this process... I had to ask myself why?

Why was making maple syrup so captivating for us and our friends?

I think those of us who do not live on a farm can be disconnected from the time and process involved in bringing our food to the table. Dedicating ourselves to
creating maple syrup opened up our eyes to the hard work and miraculous results that can occur when you make something from scratch.

My family is in so much in awe of how a clear sap from a tree can transform into a golden elixir that can only be produced in a few areas around the world.

We now appreciate so much what is unique about were we live because we bothered to connect ourselves with the bounty that has always been right in our backyard.

I hope you will clear your schedule sometimes and delicate yourself and your family to a simple task... simple living can really teach you so much about yourself, your family, and your friends. 

stoking fire
Early in the morning stoke the fire.

Gather and chew on sticks for the fire.
girl straining sap
Strain the sap from the trees before it goes on the fire.
woman having coffee outside
Have some coffee while you watch the fire and the beautiful Spring day.
chocolate chip cookies
Have your little pastry chef make cookies for visitors.
Girls eating cookies.
Eat some cookies with a friend. 
boy chopping wood
Get lots of strong friends to visit and chop wood.
boy skimming sap
Employ an expert sap skimmer for fire duty.
jars of maple syrup
Share the fruits of your labor with family & friends.

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