Sweet Potato Biscuits with Orange Honey Butter

Sweet potato is all the rage. This works well in my house because my husband loves them and my 4-year old has been brainwashed into thinking they are a super food. I thought I'd give sweet potato biscuits a try. You know, add a healthy element to an otherwise, umm how should I put this delicately, we'll call it a butter-filled bread. The sweet potato and orange zest give these biscuits a beautiful, sweet flavor. We loved it. Add in the orange honey butter and you've got yourself a delicious little treat!

Sweet Potato Biscuits


2 1/2 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup cold butter, cut into pieces
1/4 cup buttermilk
zest of half an orange
1/4 cup sweet potato, cooked and mashed


Food Processor
1. Add the flour, baking powder, brown sugar, and salt to the food processor and pulse to combine  OR, combine dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. 

2. Slowly add in the cold butter and pulse until it is all crumbly (like a course meal). OR, use a pastry knife to cut in the butter.

3. Add in the buttermilk, orange zest, and sweet potato and pulse just until the dough comes together. OR, use a spoon to stir until the dough comes together. Refrigerate 1 hour.

4. Roll out the chilled dough on a lightly floured surface to 1-inch thick. Use a cutter or small glass to cut the dough into biscuits. 

5. Place cut biscuits onto a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake at 425 degrees for 12-15 minutes, until the tops begin to brown.

Orange Honey Butter


1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
2 tablespoons honey
1/4 tsp salt
zest of half an orange
juice of half an orange
1 pinch cayenne pepper


1. Combine all ingredients in a small mixing bowl. Use a hand mixer to whip the ingredients until well combined. 

Fixing Flat Biscuits and Flat Cookies
Have you ever had your biscuits or cookies turn out flat? I bet you were using butter. Butter has a lower melting point than shortening which causes those biscuits and cookies to spread out instead of fluff up. To successfully use butter in a recipe that calls for margarine you can do 2 helpful things to combat the lower melting point. 

1. Refrigerate the dough before baking.

2. Increase the baking temperature. 

Do a test run of one cookie or one biscuit to see what happens to it. 

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