I think I need to admit that I have a little addiction to a little thing called Amazon.  I think the UPS man probably thinks that I am a little crazy since he is at our house at least a few times a week with Amazon deliveries!  I just love getting great deals on diapers, household products and sometimes even groceries...without having to drag all of my kids to the store.  Anyone else love to shop on Amazon?  We are offering up a $100 gift card to Amazon so that you can splurge on the next item or two on your wish list!

Here's how you can enter: Below I've listed out over 30 of our latest recipes. All you have to do is re-pin the recipe and check that you've repinned in the box below- voila! It gets better- you can actually come back each day over the next month and re-pin a different recipe for another entry! All that we ask is that you copy and paste the link to your pins in the box below.

Not on Pinterest? Create an account and get started! Pinterest has become one of my favorite ways to organize great recipes!

You can also get an entry by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter.

Good luck everyone and thank you for participating!

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