Vito's is a place we heard about quite a while ago, and it took us ages to finally try it out- between having Jude and their crazy hours, my mouth has been watering for far too long! Note: this is not a sponsored post- but we do want to spread word- if you're in Bountiful, you must stop by! 

Located on the newly jazzed up (did I just say "jazzed up?" How embarrassing) Main Street in Bountiful, Vito's is a classy, clean, no frills little joint! It was previously a food cart... and is now a Main Street restaurant. When Mike got off early Friday, we ventured over right when they opened for dinner at 4:30. I ordered a classic Philly, minus the onions and peppers (sorry, I'm not an onion & pepper fan); Mike ordered the penne pasta w/ meatballs. Both came with drinks and a side. It was a pretty good deal! As for the food? I haven't had this good of a cheesesteak since I was IN Philly ages ago! It was fantastic!

Owned by, yes, Vito (I asked his name... and then felt stupid)- he runs the place, cooks the food, and *get this* you pay on the honor system! Yep- there is a calculator and money jar- he doesn't even touch your money. Interesting, huh? Vito's only drawback is the hours- they are super goofy. Make sure you check before stopping by- Monday through Friday, 11 - 2 and 4:30 - 7 (note: they are closed on weekends). Also, they only take cash or checks, but there is an ATM inside.

By the time we finished our dinner, Vito's was really busy, so be prepared! Grab some cash, check the hours, and head on over for some seriously tasty Italian food... & one heavenly cheesesteak! Tell him we said hello!

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