Cooking Tips - Kitchen Tips - Useful Cooking Tips

Some Cooking tips at your kitchen
I have listed out some kitchen tips which might be very useful for us while cooking.

  • For long life of  cooker wallet, Place the  wallet in a freezer or soak it  in a water, when it is not in use.
  • Add coconut water,while preparing rasam, which gives additional taste to rasam.
  • Instead of placing small onion in a basket, place it on a floor, small  onions won't get spoiled quickly.
  • Before making dosa's, apply 2 tsp of oil on tawa, then rub brinjal or onion on it, to prevent it from sticking to tawa.
  • While grinding dosa,add 1 cup of cooked rice, to dosa ingredients to   get crispy dosa's.
  • When u prepare poori, knead the  flour,by adding some sugar to it, Poori will maintain it's crispness for longer time.
  • To get seperate rice, Soak rice in water for half an hour before you cook rice.
  • To avoid worms in  rice, add neem leaves  to rice container.
  • Add a piece of coconut to curd, curd won't become sour.
  • To peel onions and garlic quickly, soak it in cold water, for half an hour.
  • Before cooking Soak green chillies in warm water for few minutes to prevent ulser.
  • While cooking methi leaves add little sugar to it, to prevent its bitterness.
  • if paneer is hard, place the paneer cubes in hot water for 10 minutes. paneer becomes soft.
  • Refrigerate coriander and mint leaves in ziplog cover after removing its moisture.[leaves should be dry completely] , for its longer life.[10 - 12 days].
  • Take a tamarind in bowl, pour hot water into it, to prepare quick tamarind extract, or place the tamarind bowl on hot cooker top to prepare quick tamarind extract.
  •  Remove the stems from green chillies before refrigerating, for its long life.
  • To get fluffy omelettes beat the egg and stir briskly  with the spoon or fork for 2 min .
  • To fry the onions quickly add some salt to it, while sauteing.
  • When cabbage or cauliflower was boiling, add some tsp of lemon juice to it, to avoid its smell.
  • To get puffed poori, add 1 tbsp of cornflour and 1 tbsp of white rava to  the wheat flour.
  • When you prepare carrot or beetroot halwa, add some milk maid to it, which gives delicious taste to halwa.
  • To get crispy murukku,thattai or seedai, Saute rice flour in a dry kadai, till it turns for few seconds, till you get aroma of the flour
  •  Before chopping the coconut finely,place the coconut in freezer for one hour, coconut will be chopped easily.
  • if dosa batter is soar, add a ladle of milk to it, which reduces the sourness.
  • When noodles was boiling in hot water, add 1 tsp of cooking oil to it, noodles comes seperate.
  • To remove excess salt or karam from korma or sambar or rasam, add tomato puree  to boiling  korma or sambar. 
  • To prepare yogurt  pour traces of curd to lukewarm  should be undisturbed for 2 to 3 hrs then you get thick curd.
  • While cooking ladies finger, chop the ladies finger into pieces,  spread it in a plate for one to 2 hrs to avoid it, becoming sticky.

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