Grilled Vegetable Salad

I'm a grill girl. I don't know where people think it is a man's place to do the grilling. Sure, my husband cooks on the grill on occasion, but mostly it is me (since I'm the one who loves to cook and usually do cook dinner). The grill is an awesome tool. I've got a lovely and convenient gas grill on my back porch. It's summer time and dangit I use it! Grilled vegetables are a must. The grill ads a great smoky flavor that you just can't get any other way. Kebabs are great, but then you've got sticks to worry about and they do sometimes catch fire. It's better to just get a grill pan and cook your veggies in that right on the grill. The tomatoes in this little veggie salad are the key. They add a nice acidity that make it really pop!


2 zucchinis, sliced
2 bell peppers, cut into chunks
8 oz mushrooms (quartered if they are large, half if they are medium-sized)
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1 onion, cut into chunks
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper


1. Combine all the vegetables in a mixing bowl and toss to coat with olive oil, salt, and pepper.

2. Cook on a grill over medium-high heat until vegetables are tender and the tomatoes pop (about 15-20 minutes). Adjust seasonings to taste. 

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