It's here it's here it's heeeeeeeeeeeere!!
If you've followed my ramblings, you've heard me talk about "England yogurt."
See, my husband lived in England for a couple of years and if you hear him talk about Muller yogurt, he speaks more highly of that than me. Rude!! Well... I thought so, until I had Muller yogurt. Now, I'm not offended. Because it's kind of true.
Both times I've been to Europe we've made it our goal to hunt down Muller yogurt. I even blogged about it last fall when we returned- and I mentioned rumor that it was sailing the deep blue sea and making it's way to America thanks to Quaker!
It happened.
WalMart. Last week. Dairy section. Yogurt aisle. Muller. Two kinds. Staring at me.
(I've since also seen it at our local Kroger store!)
Butter with a side of bread; muller yogurt in utah
It was just me and Jude. 
My huge eyes darted to him, sleeping in his car seat. "JUDE!!!!!" 
He didn't respond, naturally. 
No one else seemed to care either. 
Well... that's because they didn't know! 
I will say, I was thrown because it was Greek- but holy Hannah, that was the darn best Greek yogurt ever! Not tart at all! All 6 yogurts I bought were gone in 24 hours.
I'm going back today and buying all they have in stock. But that's just me:)

If you're on the east coast, this may not be new news, but for me in little Utah? This is big stuff people! 
Check out your yogurt aisle and stock up! 
(I've actually found a few additional flavors at a few additional grocery stores. Us Petersen's have spent our fare share of money on yogurt this week, let me tell you!)

*PS- Not sponsored. Just appreciated. Although, Muller? If you'd like to send us some free yogurt, I'd be all over that! :)

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