Sometimes it's easy to forget there are people behind food blogs... it's not as easy to inject tons of personality when you're sharing recipes, so I like to occasionally give updates into our lives. Prepare yourself this is one of those awesome occasions!

Just as an FYI, there are 4 of us behind Butter with a Side of Bread... I'm Jessica and my co-blogger is Nellie. We also have Amanda and Sarah who contribute on a regular basis. We sign our names to our recipes, so you can scroll down and see whose creation it is you're making. You can also read more about us here.

As for an update, we've been busy, busy busy!!! Here's what we have going on...
Self portrait as I sit at my desk, writing this blog post...
So probably the biggest thing my family's been up to this summer is getting ready for another baby! Yep, I'm pregnant. As a matter of fact, you might want to avoid drinking from the water fountain here at Butter because as you read the other updates, you'll notice a slight trend in this area! I'm due in early October with baby #5, a boy. {Yes, we're going to have 5 kids! No, we're not trying to be the Duggars!} This little one was quite unexpected but we're doing our best to prepare for his arrival in a couple of months. 

Other than that, we're enjoying our summer! Up at the top is a picture of myself and my 2 oldest kid's at a local baseball game. My kids are having fun... I'm praying the weather cools off soon!

Nellie and her family have had quite the adventure this summer. They have had several different employment opportunities which have resulted in not one but two cross-country moves! Ahhh just thinking about it stresses me out. I'm sure Nellie has become a packer-extraordinaire by this point. Her goal is to be all settled in their new home on the West coast by early September, just in time for her kids to start school again!

Amanda and her family have also moved twice this summer... the last move being into this brand spankin' new house pictured above! Isn't it pretty?! I'm slightly jealous of her spacious, bright new kitchen! After living in no more than 900 square feet over the past 8 years, this new home seems gigantic and Amanda's been having fun getting new furniture and decorating. 

I think we need a wide angle shot of the new kitchen in the next food picture she takes, don't you all agree? 

Isn't her little man, Jude super cute too?! He's 5 months old now... time flies! 

Going along with the trend, Sarah welcomed another little boy into her family just 2 months ago! So that makes 3 out of the 4 of us having new babies this year. So if you see any spelling errors in our posts, know we're all just slightly sleep deprived. 

Sarah is still adjusting to life as a mom to three kids and we're happy to give her as much time as she needs- 3 kids is hard! 

So that's a little glimpse into our lives~ we just want to thank our readers here on Butter- we love writing this blog and are so excited for all the fun recipes and posts we have planned for the future! 

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