cauliflower broccoli gravy - broccoli cauliflower gravy - cauliflower broccoli masala.

Cauliflower brocooli gravy goes well with chapathi,roti,rice. The folic acid in broccoli helps women sustain normal tissue growth and is often used as a supplement when taking birth control pills and during pregnancies.It acts a best antioxidant to protect the body against disease.Cauliflower is a very good source of vitamin C and manganese, which are both powerful antioxidants.Cauliflower may also be a natural cancer fighter.This is a nutritious gravy.

cauliflower brocolli gravy

Cauliflower - small size.
Broccoli - small size.    
(Quantity in the picture is what i used.)
juicy tomatoes - 2.
fennel seeds - 1/4 tsp.
oil - to fry.
salt - taste.
garam masala - 1/2 tsp.
chilli powder - 1 tsp.
coriander powder - 1 tsp.
milk - 1/3 cup.
onion big - 1.

  • Cut  Broccolli and cauliflower  into small florets .Wash it and put  it in hot water with a little salt and turmeric  for 5 minutes. Drain the water.
  • Saute it in a kadai with little oil, for few minutes, it should maintain its tender and crunchiness, then keep it aside.
  • chop the onion very finely.
  •  blanch the tomatoes. (put the tomatoes in hot water for few minutes, when the skin gets the crack, take the tomatoes out and immediately place it in cold water,then puree the tomatoes in a blender or mixie.)
  • Heat the oil, add fennel seeds when it turns fragnent,add finely chopped onions,when it turns pink, add tomato puree, coriander powder,chilli powder,garam masala  and salt.
  • Stir well,till raw smell goes, then  dilute with water. Add cauliflower,broccoli florets to it, cook it covered for few minutes, in a medium flame  for 5 to 7 min.
  • Then  add milk little by little and give a quick stir.Allow it to boil for 5 more minutes.
  • Remove from flame, and garnish with cilantro.
  • It goes very well with chapathi,roti,rice varieties.

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