This project is perfect for peg people or miniature toys- of course the size of your apartment building is only limited by the size of your box! It will require a bit of grown up help to coordinate but even younger kids can still help paint walls and color in furniture.
- Cardboard box with flap (box pictured is 7 inches across, 2.5 inches deep)
- Scrap Cardboard
- Two buttons
- Paints ( I used a waterbased eco paint by Earth Safe Finishes
- Crayons
- Paper furniture (see sample furniture below!)
- Twine
- Scissors
- Glue stick
Step 1: Make Frame
Cut two strips of rectangles from the scrap cardboard the same length and width of the box you
are using ( so my strips where 7” across by 2 ½” deep).
Draw a line down the middle of the two strips and cut, leaving about 1” uncut.
Join the two strips of cardboard together by their cuts to form an X.
Put X in the box, it should fit snugly and create 4 squares.
Outline the squares and remove the X.
Outline the squares and remove the X.
Step 2: Paint
Paint the four squares the color you will like each room to be. Don't forget to paint the inside of the door and the walls as well as the X in a color of your choice.
Step 3: Decorate
While your paint dries, draw and color furniture and cut them out.
Place and glue your furniture to the rooms.
Paint the roof, the door and the sides of your apartment (I painted brick by painting it red and
creating squares with a marker and on the top and roof I painted it blue). I decorated the door with simple squares all over
Glue a tree to the side of your box, the side that doesn’t open.
Step 4: Closure
Punch two holes in your box to attach the button closures ( you can create a hole with a pencil
or with a hole punch). Attach the buttons with twine and tie some twine around the top button and let hang (this will be used to open and close your apartment door).
Put the dried X back in the apartment.
Move in your people.
Roechelle Adair blogs at Hug a Tree with Me - a site which exists to enlighten, inspire and educate those on their journey to green. She resides in her home in Northern Kentucky with her husband and their daughter. When she is not blogging and crafting, Roechelle is reading, singing, dancing, smiling and just being happy.