butter with a side of bread graeters ice cream
Growing up in Ohio I remember going to get Graeter's- the nearest shop was about 2 hours away, and whenever we were "nearby" we always made a stop! Actually, they would ship ice cream, so when I was in college, before the day and age of "you can only fly with a pathetically minuscule amount of liquids, and if you'd like to check your bags it will cost your poor soul all your life savings," I think my parents actually bought me a styrofoam container for me to take Graters all the way back here to Utah (aren't they great?)! Ice cream and I are BFF's. We don't mess around. Can you believe it? I flew 2,000 miles with my ice cream! We're so in love with each other.

Anyway, Graeter's
So, I distinctly remember two things about their ice cream: 1) when it melts, it turns into pure cream. I mean, not your run-of-the-mill melted ice cream... creeeeeam! and 2) the chocolate chips are really chocolate bars. Legitimate chunks so large they won't even fit in your spoon. Chunks that would take a fun size candy bar and show it who's boss. I mean, like, for real. Those fun size bars would run home crying to their mom that they were just schooled by some chocolate chip! How embarrassing! 

SO! One day there I was in the grocery store when my eyes saw that logo- Graeter's!! (Do you notice that this happens a lot to me in the grocery store? I have all these weird moments when other shoppers must think I'm a lunatic.) Naturally I dropped the hefty price tag for a pint of deliciousness to see if it was the same. Could it be? Like, really?
Well, folks, it could. It was. It's true. It's the real deal!
Let me show you my good friend, Graeter's...
butter with a side of bread graeters ice cream
(^^ Those are just little chocolate chunks. I ate the big ones when my camera wasn't around because I kept sneaking bites when no one was looking. Sorry, you'll just have to trust me.)

So, moral of the story is that it's good. Incredibly good. Pricey, but good. I didn't get a darn thing for sharing this, other than a desire to spread good will. I wouldn't waste my energy on, like, a kid's birthday party, but if you're like uber stressed, or going through a break-up or something? Get it. It'll cure your ailments. All of them! (Except weight loss. It is not recommended for weight loss).

You can read more about why their ice cream is so good here. Or you could just go get some and let me know what you think. OH! And I almost forgot! They ship! So if you can't find it in the ice cream aisle, and it's a reeeeeallly bad break-up, order some. It's like a big ice cream hug. You'll thank me later.

(PS- Vanilla chocolate chip is my fave.)

Amanda's testimonial of Graeter's, over and out.

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