Andra Pappu - Tomato Pappu recipe - Andra Recipes - with Pictures

Andra Pappu Goes  well with Steamed rice,roti and chapathi. It is a simple Andra  recipe. Kandi pappu with tomatoes and garlic  combinations are too good. Toor dal is a staple food in Indian cuisine.Toor dal contains folic acid, an important vitamin for all women, especially those planning to become pregnant.Legumes such as toor dal are a healthy source of dietary fiber, which can help to prevent constipation and promote regularity.Tomatoes is a good source of Vitamins A, C, K, folate and potassium. Tomatoes are naturally low in sodium, saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories.Now we learn how to make  tomato Pappu.

andra pappu
Andra Pappu


Toor dal - 1 cup.
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp.
cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp.
Garlic - 5.
curry leaves - few.
Green chillies - 5.
Red chillies - 2.
pearl onions - 10.
tomatoes(large) 2 finely chopped.
turmeric - 1/8 tsp.
 oil - to fry.
fresh coriander leaves - few to garnish

  • Pressure cook the toor dal till mushy with little turmeric.
  • crush the garlic and keep it aside.


  • Heat the oil, add mustard seeds, when it popps, throw cumin seeds.
  • when it sizzles add smashed garlic, green chillies,red chillies and curry leaves.

  • When garlic turns slightly golden brown, add pearl onions saute till it turns pink.
  • Then add tomatoes saute till mushy, then add cooked toor dal with 1/2 cup of water.
  • Add salt. When it boiled once, remove it from the flame, and garnish with fresh cilantro.

  • It goes very well with steamed white  rice with spoon of ghee, chapathi and  roti.

Andra Pappu - Tomato Pappu recipe - Andra Recipes - with Pictures By , Nov 11, 2013 Andra Pappu

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