When this fairy garden kit arrived in the mail to play with, we were so excited! My daughter loves everything fairies right now, and I just knew she would have so much fun with this project. She had a lot of fun helping me put it together, and has even more fun playing with it the past few days.

There are a few different kits available, and they all come with fun fairy accessories. You just need to add soil and plants or silk flowers. Our kit was the Traditional Fairy Garden Kit, and it came with a fairy, fairy tree with swing, bird bath, bird, butterfly, welcome sign, wooden fence, wooden planter, pebbles, and of course some special fairy glitter!

Fairies are known to be extra glittery with their magical fairy dust, so we were sure to include a whole lot of sparkle to our fairy's new home. We used Mod Podge, chunkier glitters, and some craft sand to make the planter box a fun little place for our fairy to play.

Start by painting your wooden fence, and the planter box edges, inside and out. We used a hot pink on the box, and a yellow on the fence. Let dry completely.
We wanted to add a pond/water area, a grassy area, and a pathway. You can sketch out the areas with pencil first if you want, but I just eyeballed it. I started with the pond by pouring around 1/4 cup or so of Mod Podge into a disposable cup, then added chunky blue glitter. Stir with a popsicle stick until the Mod Podge/glitter mixture is a thick paste.
Carefully pour the mixture into the planter box and spread around with the popsicle stick. Next, I placed the tree in the box, and lightly traced around it with a pencil and added a pathway to it. I mixed up some green glitter the same way, and made a glittery grassy area around the tree/path area. Last, mix up some craft sand & Mod Podge and add your pathway with the popsicle stick. Discard any leftover glitter/sand mixtures.
The drying time will be quite a while, depending on how thick your mixture is, so I recommend placing the box out of kid's reach in front of a fan. Ours took a couple of days before it was completely solid. The Mod Podge dries clear, so it adds a whole lot of sparkle without any of the mess!! That glitter is not going anywhere.

The bird bath was great all on it's own, but I wanted to add a little extra to it. I painted a couple of thin coats of blue acrylic paint to the bottom of the bowl and let dry. Then, I added some Dimensional Magic over the paint to make it look like it was filled with water. Let dry overnight, and get rid of any bubbles with a pin. Once completely dry, your new bird friend has a fancy new place to play!

Once everything is dry, add in the fence and place everything in the planter box. It is all ready for play, and none of the glitter will make any mess at all. These fairy kits would make fun gifts for any little girl. You can purchase fairy garden kits in the garden center of WalMart.
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The Fairy Garden kit was provided by CraftProjectIdeas.com, MyNextStyle.com, and/or Horizon Group, USA. All opinions and images are my own.