Easter Egg Wreath

Hooray! Spring is finally here!

What better way to celebrate than to decorate the house with some bright spring colors?
I decided to start that adventure by making an easy, inexpensive Easter egg wreath.

I bought everything I needed at the dollar store, and spent a total of about $3 on this project. I must have been hiding under a rock or something because I had NO idea that the dollar store had wreath forms!! I have been overpaying for far too long...

Here's what I used to make the wreath:
Wreath form
Regular size Easter eggs {I used about 22}
Styrofoam glitter eggs {4 regular size}
These came pre-glittered and on picks. I bought one set of 5 regular size, and one set of 4 large eggs.
Hot glue

I didn't bother wrapping the wreath with ribbon or anything, but this might help if you have problems gluing the eggs onto the wreath. I needed to hold the egg in place for a minute or two until the glue cooled enough that the egg didn't shift. I started at the bottom and randomly added in the glitter eggs on.

Once the eggs were all on and the wreath was set, I added on some colored bows that came with the glitter eggs to add a little something extra. I ended up not having room on the wreath for the large eggs, so I just added them into my apothecary jars.

I love how colorful and EASY this wreath is!

Happy Spring!
Linking to these parties!

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