Simple Things to Do Before a Storm: Simple Living in Practice

woman with muffins
Got to have some fresh Apple Muffins for the storm!

I'm writing this post on Sunday with the assumption that we will lose power from the Frankenstorm that is heading our way. You see I live in a very wooded area and it doesn't take much wind to knock down a tree or two and our town's power is out. 

Sometimes our power is out for about a week. Priority  for getting electricity working is given to larger towns and cities in Westchester County, NY, which makes sense but leaves us little towns dark for longer. 

It would be great if in the comments you shared other ideas of what to do before a storm. Then next time we 
all will be more prepared.

So what do Simple Living folks do to prepare for a storm.

canoe building
Finish up work on the canoe you're building.

beeswax candle making
Make some beeswax candles.

woman cooking soup
Cook up a pot of soup.

1) Stay calm and remember, "This too shall pass..."

2) Fill up the car with gas in case we do need to evacuate. The pumps don't work when there isn't any power.

3) Get cash. Most stores will run on a cash only bases because they don't have power to authorize credit card purchases.

4) Check batteries in flashlights. We break out our camping lamplights they are great for reading at night. Take out candles too. We really enjoy our long burning beeswax candles that we make from our hives.

5) Buy water about a gallon per person per day. I usually get enough for 3 days. Don't forget to include your pets in your head count. They drink too! 

Buy batteries and food that doesn't have to be cooked: baked goods, popcorn, peanut butter, canned tuna, dried meats, nuts, fruit. Pickled things are good too: olives, beets, etc. Hopefully you have some of these things on hand. Don't BUY THE STORE OUT!!! People freak and buy way too much food. If you have a little camping stove you can cooks somethings. NOTE: Make sure you have your medication supply for at least a week.

6) A day to two days before the storm cook up and eat any meat you have in your freezer or fridge. Use up whatever can spoil.

7) Day before the storm make soup with whatever is left in your fridge.

8) Night before the storm. Charge up your electronic devices and remove them from the outlets so they won't be damaged from a power surge when the power goes off or back on. 

9) A day or so before a storm. Store lawn furniture, plants etc. that are in your yard that could be picked up by the wind. Do your laundry. 

10) The night before the storm. Batten down your hatches. Run the dishwasher. Turn up the power on your fridge and freezer. Fill up your bathtub with water and fill a bucket of water next to each toilet so you use these to flush. We don't have municipal water so when the power goes out our well pump doesn't work.

 Say a pray and sleep tight.

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