During the holiday season one's sense of nostalgia seems particularly heightened, don't you think? Mike and I constantly go back and forth on traditions and what we think is the "better" way. (By "go back and forth" I mean bicker as we try and ensure our "right way" is what actually takes place:) All that nostalgia has got me thinking about the silly foods that come to mind when I think of random times in my life- foods that remind me of childhood, relatives, school lunches, college, newlywed life, parties... anything really! Try it the next time there's a quiet moment in your house... It's kind of a funny little experiment that usually snowballs into, "Oooh! Ooooooh! And! And!..." as the memories come back.

The other day I was attempting to push my cart through the packed grocery store, and I found myself frozen (no pun intended) in the frozen foods aisle. I looked to my right and spotted one of those foods that burst open the flood gates of childhood: frozen Sarah Lee pound cake! Here's the scenario: late in the evening when my parents and I would be at home watching Star Trek, my dad would bring out the pound cake in it's silver tin and cut my mom and I a slice. (I really just liked the top... it was pure butter.....) Aaaand... that's the end of the memory. It's just a random memory. 
Nighttime. Star Trek. Pound cake. Butter. 

Naturally, I bought the pound cake.

Today I opened the freezer and spotted that box- it looks different- slices? Pre-wrapped? Totally dashes my hopes of cutting it in that silver tin, but that's ok. (Americans and portion control these days. I get it!) 
I shared my piece with Elle and wondered what silly memories she'll accumulate over her life...
I almost busted out the Star Trek, but refrained... I mean, some things are better left in the corners of our mind:)
So there you go. I dare you. Go try something you haven't in ages! Or, better yet, have a little chat with your family members and then if you can find said yummy-ness, and make it for dinner. Just because.

For humors sake, Mike and I had a chat about some foods we haven't had in ages. Have you had/do you remember any of these? Bahhhh! Such a fun game... (And note that most every one is a sugar-y item:)

- Light brown M&M's (I still can't eat the blue ones)
- Whatchamacallit candy bars
- Luden's Cherry Cough Drops (I faked a sore throat just to eat them)
- Bologna sandwiches (on Wonder bread... because it stuck to the roof of my mouth)

 Happy New Year!

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