BACON CHEDDAR DEVILED EGGS: Butter with a Side of Bread

Our family loves hard-boiled eggs so I find myself searching for new and different recipes for them. I found this Bacon Cheddar Deviled Eggs recipe and knew it was a winner! I served it at Easter dinner and they were a huge hit.

Bacon Cheddar Deviled Eggs

  • 12 hard-boiled eggs
  • 1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 1 TBSP mustard
  • 4 slices cooked bacon {or 4 TBSP Bacon Bits}
  • 2 TBSP grated cheddar cheese
  • salt & pepper, to taste
  • Smoky Paprika, for sprinkling on top

Hard Boil your Eggs: Place 12 7-10 day old eggs in a pot of cold water. {If you use super fresh eggs, it will be really hard to peel them!} Bring water to a full, rolling boil. Place lid on the pot and turn heat off. Let eggs sit in the pot of previously-boiling water for about 15 minutes. While they are sitting there, get a large bowl {or use a clean sink- that's what I do!} and fill it with ice water. After 15 minutes, use a slotted spoon to take each egg out and immediately plunge it in the water.

Crumble the bacon. Place the grated cheddar and bacon crumbles in a small food processor. I ran mine on high for about a minute- you want to blend the cheese and bacon and make the pieces as small as possible.

Combine the mayo, sour cream and mustard in a bowl. Add in bacon-cheddar mixture. Mix to combine, adding in some salt and pepper to taste.

BACON CHEDDAR DEVILED EGGS: Butter with a Side of Bread

Peel your hard boiled eggs. Slice in half length-wise and gently remove the yolk. Add the yolk to the mayo-bacon mixture.

BACON CHEDDAR DEVILED EGGS: Butter with a Side of Bread

BACON CHEDDAR DEVILED EGGS: Butter with a Side of Bread

BACON CHEDDAR DEVILED EGGS: Butter with a Side of Bread

Once you've de-yolked all the eggs, use a fork to mix up the yolk-mayo-bacon-cheddar mixture. Make sure it's as smooth as possible. Use a rubber spatula to scrape the mixture into a small ziplock bag.

BACON CHEDDAR DEVILED EGGS: Butter with a Side of Bread

Cut a corner of the bag and pipe into each empty egg half. Sprinkle a good dash of Smoky Paprika on each egg. This variety is different than your normal Paprika, although you can use that if you'd like. I encourage you to try the Smoky Paprika though, it's got a bit of a kick and tastes amazing alongside the bacon! 


BACON CHEDDAR DEVILED EGGS: Butter with a Side of Bread

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