How We Do Family Friendly TV

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of NETFLIX

I've never been one to do things the traditional way. This also applies to how we do TV.

For several years, we have been a Netflix family. We don't subscribe to an over-the-air TV service: just Netflix. In addition to being super affordable, Netflix has great kids programming and NO commercials (can I get an amen?!). This means that my son can watch as much Sesame Street or Justin Time as we'd like and I don't have to worry about what kinds of crazy ads he's seeing that will spawn a case of the gimmes. Plus so much of the programming is educational. (FACT: My son knew the whole alphabet at 18 months thanks to Sesame Street episodes from Netflix)

Another feature that I love about Netflix is that on a lot of game systems (like the wii that we use most often), there is a "Just for Kids" interface:

The Just for Kids interface only shows kid-friendly stuff for kids 2-12. So if Dad wants to watch a scary movie after the kiddo is in bed, the cover art won't show up the next day in the just for kids interface. It's also really easy to use. If my son is watching a TV show with episodes (Justin Time is currently a favorite), he knows how to hit a single button and he's back in business.

Netflix software is smart, too. It takes into account what your kid watches and makes good suggestions. So even though programming is available for kids up to 12, we watch a lot of preschool things so it makes smart suggestions based on our watching history and ratings that I can feel confident about.
(the Just for Kids section on the computer makes suggestions based on what we watch.)
Netflix is also conveniently portable. If I need to run out to a doctor's appointment or somewhere where I need K to just hang out quietly with me while I take care of grown up things, he can watch a show on my phone (sadly there is not currently a Just for Kids section in the Android ap - hopefully soon!).

Since Netflix works on so many devices, I can also take my Netflix account with me when we travel to visit family - I just log into my account on their device while we are in town so that K has a good pre-nap movie to watch with my queue and his favorites. Netflix even holds your place for you so if you need to stop The Lorax to go to grandma's house, you can pick up where you left off once you get there.

I told you about some of the shows my son loves. Now I want to know: What are you watching on TV with your family? Netflix has family favorites from Disney, Disney Jr., Hasbro, Cartoon Network and Dreamworks that are available to stream anytime, anywhere.

And streaming is easier than you think! Download the free app on your iPad, click on the Netflix app on any gaming device, go to the website on your computer – and you’re in business. Check it out here!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of NETFLIX. All opinions and experiences are my own. See my full review policy for more details.

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