Natural Allergy Remedies #Simple Living in Practice

dogwood tree

"I feel like I'm coming alive again... it's Spring what a lovely time of year." When I would hear these words spoken by my friends in my mind I would think, "Crazy, Spring is the time of year when I can barely stay awake. I have to blow my nose constantly, and the sight of a blooming flowers brings tears to my eyes (not out love, but allergies). 

Since I have been seeing an naturopath, Dr James Mullane in Danbury, Ct for my food allergies my seasonal allergies have improved too. I highly recommend seeking this type of health provider for a holistic solution to any of your health problems, but in the mean time here are some natural remedies that I find helpful for dealing with seasonal allergies.

Sleep with your windows shut. Pollen peaks in the early morning hours and if you don't want to breath it in as you rise it is best to close your windows. It may mean that you need to run an air conditioner. If you do, make sure it is well cleaned, or you will just be blowing more allergens into your bedroom.

Don't exercise outside early in the morning. As previously stated pollen is highest earlier in the day, so doing an exercise video in your house, or a trip to the gym is your best option for exercising in the AM during your allergy season.

Rinse your sinuses with a neti pot. It is a strange sensation to get use to... but flushing your sinuses with a neti pot clears them of allergens and reduces nasal swelling. You really feel relief. It is good to use for sinus infections too. Just make sure you use distilled or boiled and cooled water to prevent a life threatening infection from tap water (very rare, but why take a chance).

Rinse your nose during the day with a saline mist. This has a similar effect as the neti pot, but not as dramatic, and it can be done anywhere, were as the neti pot requires some time and privacy to use.

Eat raw local honey. The evidence is still antidotal but many of my friends and my family claim that raw local honey taken daily really reduces their allergies. It makes sense that it might work as a kind of natural vaccination against the local pollen that the bees interact with. 

I would love to hear your natural remedies for allergies please share them with us by leaving a comment.

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