Ahh... cherry pie. I am sure we all have our own special memories linked to this delicious dessert. Okay wait - I actually can't think of any for me. Oh well, in any case this raw vegan version is mondo yummy! The filling is simply cherries and the crust is made from hemp seeds, walnuts, coconut oil and whatever sweetener you like. This is super healthy for your heart and brain! Last time I checked, I use both those organs on a daily basis. I hear they have their uses.

I'd just like to take a moment to let you know (if you didn't notice my freak-out session yesterday) that I have been nominated for "Favourite Blog" for the 2013 VegNews Veggie Awards! This is like being nominated for the Oscars, if you're a vegan food blogger. Please please please vote for me in this survey. I will send you cyber kisses - they are almost as good as the real thing. Not really. But it's the thought that counts?

cherry pie {raw & vegan}

1 cup walnuts
1 cup hemp seeds
1/6 cup coconut oil
1/8 cup preferred liquid sweetener (maple syrup, agave nectar, coconut nectar, date syrup, etc.) 

1-2 cups fresh organic pitted cherries

To make the crust: pulse the walnuts and hemp seeds into powder in your food processor. Add the coconut oil and sweetener and process until it forms a ball. Press 2/3 of this dough into a small pie dish (I just used a 4-inch spring form pan) and put in the fridge for 2-3 hours to set. Roll out the remaining dough between two sheets of parchment paper then stick in the freezer until hardened, about 1-2 hours. 

Once your rolled out dough is hard, cut it into strips and carefully create a lattice crust on parchment paper. But don't flip back the strips as you're making it, simply slide the strips under each other. Fill your pie crust with cherries then gently transfer your lattice crust on top of the pie, rip off the excess strips, and press the edges together. Serve right away or put back in the fridge for another hour or so. This is best eaten the same day it's made. 

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