Outdoor Children's Activity: Make a Fairy Bracelet

This is one of our favorite activities to do with kids and grown ups alike when going on hikes and nature walks. It's a fun way to keep kids engaged in their surroundings as they search for treasures to go on their bracelets. 



Step 1: Wrap tape loosely around wrist sticky side out

Step 2: Collect Treasures
You can do different variations on treasure collecting to make it a fun learning activity. You can have them:
  • Find any items of interest to them
  • Collect only items beginning with a certain letter
  • Collect only items of a certain color
  • Collect only one type of material (leaves, flowers, grass etc)

Step 3: Examine
When you are done with your bracelet, cut it off with scissors. Be sure to take time to chat about what kinds of great treasures you found together.

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