Truth & Lies: Cutting Through the Propaganda of WA 522 Commercials

Even though I currently live in Portland, Washington state is my home. Living close to the border also gives me some interesting insight into what's happening in politics back home as our Portland news stations also service southern Washington (and therefore runs Washington's political ads).

Washingtonians will vote on a hugely important piece of legislation in just a few short weeks: Initiative 522. Simply put: voting yes on 522 will require genetically engineered food sold in grocery stores to carry a label that says it has been genetically modified. It's that simple. (Not sure what GMOs are? Consider this your crash course)

This law is actually really simple. You ask one question "Is it genetically modified?" Yes? Get's a label. No? No label. That simple. But you'd never know from looking at the attack ads. The five major out-of-state corporations funding the no on 522 campaign are confusing the daylights out of even the most enlightened of food consumers.

Let's pick apart one recent ad: WARNING: This ad is convincing but it's based on partial truths and misinformation. Please read on for my full analysis.

"522 Conflicts with National Standards"

That would be because there are no national standards regarding the labeling of GMO foods. That's why this bill is necessary in the first place. 

Soy Milk vs. Cow Milk

Let me clarify again what 522 does. It requires a label on foods that have been genetically engineered. Things like soy beans, corn, and sugar beets are huge GMO cash crops. If you want to sell soy milk, tofu, soy patties etc. made with GMO soy, it is going to need a label.

Why not cow milk? It's quite simple, really: There are no GMO cows. The "even when produced with genetically engineered products" bit in the video? They are talking about the cow's feed. They are correct that if a cow is fed GMO alfalfa, it does not have to be labeled. This is because the initiative is focusing only on the actual product sold. Because the milk is not genetically engineered or from a genetically engineered animal, it will not require a label.

The irony to me is that the corporations funding this video have stated publically on several occaisions that GMO foods should never be labeled ever. The argument being used, however, says that the proposed law isn't strong enough, so you should vote no. I call shenanigans.

Bread vs. Cheese

This is another example of their fake "the law isn't going to be strong enough" nonsense. The truth is that bread often contains GMO ingredients: specifically corn syrup. Bread made with GMO corn syrup will need to be labeled. Don't want the label? You can stop using GMO corn syrup. Easy.

Cheese will not have to be labeled as there are no GMO cows or goats. Soy "cheese" on the other hand, will have to be labeled if it is produced with GMO soy.

Dog Food vs. Steak

Truth: Any dog food made with GMO ingredients will need to be labeled. If a brand of dog food uses fillers like GMO corn or GMO soy, it needs a label. Steak will not be labeled since there are no GMO cows. Salmon, on the other hand WILL  have to be labeled if the salmon is genetically engineered.

Other reasons why the No on 522 campaign is sketchy

TRUTH: The "No on 522" campaign is funded by 5 large corporations. None of them are based in Washington State.

TRUTH: The corporations running the above ad, whose message is to vote no on 522 because the law is not strong enough have publicly stated that GMOs should never require a label. Ever. This is double speak.

TRUTH: The only corporations sponsoring No on 522 are producers of GMO seeds or food made with GMO products. They don't want you to know what's in your food because they want to continue selling you products full of GMOs without you knowing which GMO free brands are great alternatives.

Top 5 Reasons to Label GMOs:

1) Everyone has a right to know what is in the food they eat. American companies already label the GMO food they export to 64 other countries. We deserve to know, too.

2) Labeling GMOs puts consumers in control of the food they eat. Over 80% of processed foods and some fresh foods like corn, papaya, zucchini and summer squash are made with GMOs. GMO Salmon and apples are coming to market soon.

3) Farming GMO crops uses more pesticides than conventional crops, which contaminates our environment including our drinking water.

4) GMO labeling does not impact the price of food. When Europe started requiring GMOs to be labeled, the price of food did not go up.

5) Labeling GMOs helps shoppers maximize their food budgets. Families serious about avoiding GMOs must buy organic or Non-GMO Project Verified foods. Often these foods sell for a premium making them harder for families to afford. GMO labeling will help families make better decisions about when to spring for a premium labeled product or when it's ok to buy a GMO free store brand.

Are you a Washington state voter? If you have questions or concerns about 522, please leave them in the comments. I promise to answer.

If you are voting Yes on 522, give me a shout out in the comments and consider sharing this post on Facebook to educate your friends!

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