Simple Tree Canvas Decoration with Frog Tape

This post brought to you by FrogTape provided by ShurTech Brands, LLC. All opinions are 100% mine.

Have you ever tried to use painter's tape on a textured surface? I have and the results were not pretty (and I still have the boo-boos on my dining room walls to prove it! This is why I was pretty excited to try out FrogTape Textured Surface

This is an easy but elegant craft you can use year after year on your mantel! It also showcases how awesome this tape is. I can't wait to try it on my walls as well.


  • 10 x 8 Painters canvas
  • FrogTape Textured Surface
  • Green paint (I used satin finish green and a glittery green)
  • Green glitter (I used 2 different shades)
  • Paintbrush
  • Brown marker
  • Ultra fine point sharpie


Step 1: Create a Design
To create my simple tree design, I laid strips of FrogTape® out my canvas to create a large open triangle in the center.

Step 2: Prep Tape 
Now that you have the tape on your canvas, firmly press down all the tape edges. I put my hand behind the canvas to provide extra resistance as I did this. You want to make sure the tape is in all the nooks and crannies of the canvas.

Next, use a damp washcloth to rub over the edges of the tape. This will help activate the paint block technology. Once dry, shake the Liquid PaintBlock® Edge Sealer™, remove the cap and foil liner and add the included brush to the cap. Generously paint the Edge Sealer™ around all the edges of the tape. Allow to dry for at least 15 minutes before moving on to step 3.

Step 3: Paint
I squirted some green satin finish paint and some green sparkly paint right on the canvas. Then I used my paintbrush to fill in the triangle.

Step 4:Peel Up
Peel up the tape right away before it starts to dry or gets rubbery. Beautiful, sharp lines!

While the paint was still damp, I lightly sprinkled two different shades of fine green glitter over the paint before setting it aside to dry.

Step 5:Mark it up
Use the brown marker to draw a trunk on the tree. Then use the ultra fine sharpie to write around the edge of the tree. I wrote "O Christmas Tree!" over and over but you could fill in names, a story or the lines of your favorite Christmas song.

I love how easy this was to make and how crisp the lines were even though my canvas is textured. I can't wait to try FrogTape® out on my textured walls when I paint my dining room in 2014!

Be sure to follow FrogTape® on Twitter @FrogTape. Check out all the other great projects fellow bloggers are making with this tape by following #TexturedSurface on Pinterest.

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Disclosure: This post was sponsored by FrogTape® in conjunction with SocialSpark. I was compensated for my time spent creating and writing about this project. All opinions are my own. Please see my complete review policy for more information on sponsored posts. 

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