Yarn: Patons Classic Merino Wool
Color: Twisted Denim
Dye: Wilton's food dye (the thick kind...in lilac and a bit of red)
What I did: Frogged my ugly sweater into 2 yard-circumference skeins (about 400g; 892 yards of yarn total). Soaked it in vinegar water in my crock pot for an hour. Drained the vinegar water and moved it to sink while I boiled some water. Moved one skein into ginormous metal bowl, where I poured about 2 cups of had-just-been-boiling water which I had mixed with dye over the skein and squished it around. Added another skein on top and repeated until all skeins were in the bowl.
Transferred yarn back to crock pot and turned it on high for 3.5 hours. Drained yarn and let cool in crockpot and then transferred to colander. After a few hours, I rinsed the yarn in cool water with a bit of mild soap, spun it dry in the best salad spinner ever (seriously, if you dye yarn or block a lot of your knitting, I think this would be seriously worth the investment) and it is now drying on a towel on my counter and hanging from my pot rack. My kitchen smells like a wet sheep. :-)
I'm excited to see how it all turns out once it's all done. :-)