Beans and Carrot thoran

Fresh beans is a rarity in Calicut unlike in Coorg where only fresh veggies were available. So when I saw those pretty tender beans in the market I bought it without a second thought and even the carrots were fresh I mean like the ones you get in Coorg. I made up my mind then and there that it is going to be beans and carrot thoran with hot rice for dinner today.
I managed to get a pic of those fresh carrots I was talking about .....could'nt get the beans though. If I see yummy looking carrots like this .....I just grab them.... wouldn't you too. 

Fresh beans: 250 gms.
Fresh carrots 250 gms.
Green chilly: 2 (I am on the spicy side).
Garlic: 3 cloves.
Turmeric powder: A fat pinch..
Grated coconut: 1/2 cup.
Shallots: 2.
For the seasoning:
Coconut oil, 2 or 3 shallots, curry leaves.
Clean and cut carrots and beans into small pieces. Grind coarsely the rest of the ingredients and keep aside.
In an pan pour 2 tbsp oil and put in the mustard seeds, shallots, and curry leaves. Fry for a minute and put in the chopped beans and carrots, add salt and little water and mix well. Cover with a lid and cook for about 3 min open lid and put in the coarsely grinded coconut mix and again cover for a min. Open lid and mix well till it is dry. Serve hot with rice.

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