Even when it rains, it's still a million degrees here in Utah! Gotta love it. Here's a treat recipe for everyone that doesn't involve turning on the oven.

My husband is a big fan of No Bake Cookies- you know, the kind where you combine a few ingredients, heat them to boiling on the stove, add a few more then take a spoon and plop them onto a piece of wax paper. They taste pretty good, but in my opinion look like little piles of c_ _ p. I can't spell it out or Google and Blogger will chase me with pitch forks for posting inappropriate content. You know what I mean though, right?  Only super brave people eat those with their eyes open.

So, I found a recipe that added a little pizazz in the form of marshmallows to traditional no-bake treats and I opted to make them into bars. So vain of me, isn't it? Changing a recipe to make them look prettier. If you really want to make them into cookies, by all means, plop away. ;)

Oh, and when you are in the middle of making these and the mixture begins boiling, set a timer for 90 seconds so that you don't get distracted when the phone rings, the baby cries, someone knocks on the door and a full-on tantrum erupts in the living room. Otherwise they might turn out a little dry. Just sayin'.

Chocolate No Bake Bars with Marshmallow
Slightly altered recipe from Sweet Treats and More

1/2 stick of butter
1/2 c. milk
2 c. sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
3 Tbs cocoa
1/2 c. peanut butter
2 1/2-3 c. quick oats {I added 2.5 cups}
1 1/2 c. mini marshmallows

In a medium saucepan, melt butter, milk, sugar, salt and cocoa. Bring to a boil and let boil for about 90 seconds (boiling longer will make cookies dry).

 Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla, peanut butter, then oats. Stir the oats in 1 cup at a time to check the consistency. Adding too many oats will make the mixture too thick and makes them dry as well. Make sure everything is well mixed. 

 Lastly, stir in marshmallows and mix until just combined. If you over-stir you will lose the marshmallow-swirly effect.   Immediately press into an 8x8 baking dish lined with foil. Let cool and cut into squares. 


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