Homemade English Muffins: Butter with a Side of Bread

Several months ago a reader sent me an email with a recipe for homemade English Muffins. I read it over and added it to the "To Do" pile. Well, I finally got around to making them in October and since then, my only thought was, why didn't I start making these sooner?! Not only are they delicious, but they're easy to make and the recipe makes enough to last us a few months. Coupons for English muffins are rare, so instead of paying full price, I just find myself going without. It's so nice to be able to make them at home to enjoy when I please!

These are fantastic alone, but we also love them made into mini pizzas, egg sandwiches and even topped with tomato and cheese and put in the oven on broil.

You can see the original recipe here, on the King Arthur flour website. I changed very little, but reading the comments was helpful.
Homemade English Muffins: Butter with a Side of Bread

Homemade English Muffins

1 3/4 cups (14 ounces) milk, warm {I use powdered milk}
3 tablespoons butter
1 1/4 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 large egg, lightly beaten
4 to 4 1/4 cups flour {I used whole wheat}
2 teaspoons instant yeast
1 tsp baking powder

Combine the warm milk, sugar and yeast, allowing the yeast to proof for a few minutes, until bubbly. Add remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly, for about 5 minutes. Do not add more flour, the dough will be very sticky. Once mixed, scrape dough from bowl onto a lightly floured counter top. Fold dough over a few times, until you make a nice, smooth ball. Place in a greased bowl and allow to rise in a warm place for about 1 hour.
Homemade English Muffins: Butter with a Side of Bread

Homemade English Muffins: Butter with a Side of Bread

Punch down dough and lay out on a surface sprinkled with corn meal. Roll out to desired thickness. the muffins rise somewhat, so roll them out about 1/4" thinner than what you would like the final product to be. Cut out circles with a floured 3-inch cutter. Re-roll and cut out the leftover dough. Cover the muffins with a damp cloth and let rest for about 20 minutes.

Homemade English Muffins: Butter with a Side of Bread

Homemade English Muffins: Butter with a Side of Bread

Heat a frying pan or griddle to very low heat. Do not grease, but sprinkle with cornmeal. Cover pan and cook for 6-7 minutes on each side. I grab my book and a chair, and get comfortable, setting the timer to keep track of the muffins.

Homemade English Muffins: Butter with a Side of Bread
Cool on a cooling rack. Store muffins in the fridge or freezer.


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