Due to the lovely weather we had yesterday, I opted to stay inside and make strawberry jam. We don't buy jam and were running low on our stash from last year, so I knew it was time! Have you ever made jam? It's really very easy. I prefer the cooked method because, even though it takes a bit longer, the taste is so worth it. Cost-wise, making your own is slightly cheaper, but really, what it lacks in cost savings, it makes up for in taste!

The ingredients list is very simple for jam- fruit, pectin & sugar. I made strawberry jam since strawberries are on sale right now. I tried the "low sugar" jam for the first time and I'm pleasantly surprised- I liked it better and it used half the amount of sugar! I think I'll make it this way from now on!
Start with several pounds of strawberries. I did a double batch, so I have 8 lbs worth (minus a few we ate for dessert!)
Wash, hull and cut up the strawberries.
Get all your jars ready. I have a hodge-podge of jars I've acquired over the years. I got most of mine from the D.I!
Next, mash the strawberries with a potato masher or use the "low" setting on a food processor. I like to use the food processor because we like our jam less chunky. Either way works though!
After that you'll follow the directions on the box of pectin. I combined the pectin with a small amount of sugar and added it to my strawberries in a large pot on the stove.
The cooking process takes about 15 minutes and you'll have to stand and stir the entire time. I made sure I did this while most of my kids were taking a nap!
After ladling the jam in the jars I turned them upside-down. This method of canning is called the "inversion" method and works really well for jellies & jams that won't be stored longer than a year. More info on this method here.
Yet cooking the jam is worth it! In the end you have this beautiful, deep red strawberry jam that tastes incredible!
This is how much a double batch yielded- about 136 oz. My jam cost me about .11/oz. I figured a bottle of Smuckers on sale would be about .14/oz, so I did save some money.
It's worth it though- yum!

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