Cracker Toffee: Butter with a Side of Bread

Has anyone else noticed there are only 11 days left until Christmas? Anyone else not ready? I hope it's not just me. Earlier this week instead of working furiously to cross items off my "To Do" list, I opted to rock out to the Michael Buble Christmas album while making Cracker Toffee. See, I think you actually need to be sleeping more than 3 hours each night to operate a candy thermometer, so I opted for an easy version of toffee instead. 5 ingredients and about 15 minutes later- done. So easy.

Now at least I can eat something tasty while wrapping gifts nursing my baby. Again.

If you've never had this before, you'll love it. It ends up tasting like a toffee cookie. Remember to use regular, fully salted crackers. If you have the less-salt crackers on hand and want to use them anyways, just sprinkle some salt over the tops of them after you spread them out on the cookie sheet. Parchment paper is a must too! {I saw a huge roll of it at Costco a couple weeks ago for less than $6- amazing price!!}

I got the original recipe from I didn't change anything!

Cracker Toffee

4 ounces regular saltine crackers {1 sleeve}
1 cup butter
1 cup dark brown sugar
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
3/4 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Spread parchment paper over a cookie sheet. {It's actually a jelly-roll pan- a cookie sheet with sides. Sides are important!}

Line cookie sheet with saltine crackers in single layer, leaving some space between each cracker.

In a saucepan combine the sugar and the butter. Bring to a full, rolling boil, then boil for 3 minutes.

Immediately pour over saltines. Do your best to pour some on each cracker, but don't worry about covering each one completely.

Bake at 400 degrees F (205 degrees C) for 7 minutes. Once it's been in the oven for 2-3 minutes, it will start to bubble. This is when the candy will cover the crackers on its own. They'll also move around a bit, so you can see why it's important to have a bit of excess parchment paper up around the sides.

Remove from oven and sprinkle chocolate chips over the top. Put back in the oven for 2 minutes.

Spread melted chocolate and top with chopped nuts. Cool completely and break into pieces. Enjoy!

Cracker Toffee: Butter with a Side of Bread

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