Butter with a Side of Bread Better Oats

When I’m a fan of a product, I generally shout it from the rooftops. I mean, spread the wealth, right? Well, I'm on my rooftop: listen up! A coworker of mine introduced me to Better Oats, and I’m fairly sure that these days, I’m made mostly of whole grain oats and flax seeds. No, really. Really.

Ease: dudes, it doesn't get any easier than this. All you need is a bowl, spoon, and a microwave. Once you pour the oats into your bowl, you get to reuse the handy-dandy pouch as a measuring device for your water. Sweet! (And virtually dish-free.) 90 seconds later? Voila! 

Health: most packets are between 100 – 160 calories. I’m a serious sugar-holic, so trust me when I say that you actually don’t need to add a thing to these! Also, they are really filling! Opposed to those bins-o-oats (which of course have a time and place... especially for No-Bake Cookies... [see, told you I was a sugar-holic, as well as very easily distracted]); Better Oats have all you need stuffed in each little packet of goodness. They’re super yummy for breakfast or lunch. Or dinner. Even my 2-year-old shovels down her own little package on a near-daily basis. 

Go to the Better Oats website for more info- including a coupon to try them out! 

(PS- The only store I haven’t been able to find these at is at WalMart, otherwise, I’ve found them at a plethora of other stores. And I usually buy them like 10 3 boxes at a time…)

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