A Little Support is All We Really Need: Simple Living Ideas

My son Kayaking

I watched my son 13 year old son pack up his fishing gear on the dock of our camp in the Adirondacks. He seemed to have a lot of equipment to deal with so I asked, "Can I help you with anything?" 

"Yes, hang your feet over the side of the dock and put them on the kayak." 

This wasn't what I was thinking about doing, but I obliged. As I sat there in silence steadying the boat with my feet I realized how much this simple act symbolized what we all really need from our relationships. 

We don't need someone to take over and load our gear for us. 

We don't need help getting into the boat. It's our boat, our life, we know how to navigate it... most of the time anyway. 

We just need our friends and family to now and again steady the boat for us. Support our ideas, our plans and just let us sail...
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