My husband & I snuck away for a week in Europe- we are serious lovers of travel (love, love), and when this opportunity came up, we jumped at the chance! We were gone for a week- a few days in Paris, followed by a few days in Rome. I have lots of fun food posts planned, but for now I'll share even MORE exciting news than Europe...
Yep! We are expecting baby #2! It's been a long and nauseating 13 weeks... food has been my arch-nemesis, so I'm actually thrilled to start feeling better very soon and blog about all things food, rather than just the "food topics that don't make me want to barf-o." Too much info? Probably. Either way, the irony of being in my first trimester all the while blogging about food has been kind of humorous! Ironic, right!?

We had lots and lots of food adventures overseas, and I'm so excited to share some of the highlights (or... all of them). Some include: somehow buying a $12 can of Coke (it was 10 oz.- ah!), having the most awful pizza ever at the Vatican, never successfully buying a bottle of still water (opposed to nasty sparkling water- c'mon, Amanda!), and sitting on a stoop in the pouring rain eating the yummiest yogurt in the universe. Stay tuned! For now? I'm going to try and sort out whether my current nausea is pregnancy-related, or jet-lag-related:)

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