I’ll save random bits for last. I’ll also mention Paris, since it was my fave, and I seem to have focused entirely on Rome! Shame on me.

European highlights include:

1 - Heavenly delicacies from patisseries in France- as mentioned, it was kind of tricky to eat on the go while being pregnant, but man, what I did eat was so good! Fruit. Crepes. Quiche (although Gourmandise is still at the top of my list for quiche!). Oh, and lots of petit baguettes! Lots. 

Now, hang on for a lot of delicately balanced cookies. Ready, go!

2 - Scary, old, dry airplane food (although, I will say, it was nice to actually eat more than a pretzel on the plane! I guess we did pay for it in those hefty trans-Atlantic airfares though, huh?). You know food isn’t going to taste good when it’s stamped with encrypted wording and a laser barcode:)

3 - Mini cans of soda (these ones were “free,” on our Air France flight- cheers to that!). Mike and I decided that European cans are more ergonomic. Much nicer on the hand and wrist than American cans of soda. Just a personal observation. Do you care to share your opinion? Anyone else want America to embrace European soda cans? PS- Have I mentioned? I never drank a Coke before this trip? Desperate times call for desperate measures.

4 - The best hotel breakfast, and the worst. I actually didn’t know it was possible to have a bad breakfast, but Rome proved me wrong. The Paris breakfast? Probably the best I’ve ever had! I’m not kidding. It was incredible. Side note: have you noticed my impatience when it comes to food photography? Right. The second food arrives, I swear I just snap a picture with one hand, and start eating with my fork in the other. I’m so graceful. And patient. Just ask my husband. It's in my blood. 
^Mmmmm... Paris! Pasteries, perfectly cooked eggs, yogurt, fresh-squeezed OJ, fruit, meats, cheese, cereal (what WAS that delicious chocolatey cereal!? Heaven help me). Oh! And jam in little jars. Can't forget the jam!
v Eeewie... Rome - stale bread, overcooked eggs, canned fruit, syrup-y OJ, and packaged toasty-cracker things...

Now for an abrupt ending.
1, 2, 3...

Merci & ciao!

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