I Have a Love Affair with my Mailbox: Simple Living in Practice


I have a love affair with my mailbox. I walk down to it everyday excited by the prospect of party invitations and letters from long lost friends overseas. But like any fictional lover I am continually disappointed. 

My mailbox never delivers the romance I so crave from it. Instead each day it fills me with junk.

I am determined this month to end this unfulfilling relationship and go paperless with all of my bills.

Today I am setting up a special email account just for bills, so I can keep my financial email separate from my personal email.

I have already put myself on a no junkmail list: 

http://www.dmachoice.org .

So hopefully it will be a short period of time before my mailbox is no longer full of empty promises....

Have you ended your relationship with your mailbox?

Why or why not?

How did you do it?

Why haven’t you done it?

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