Product Review: Pillsbury Artisan Pizza Crust, Butter with a Side of Bread

I saw the new Pillsbury Artisan Pizza Crust at the grocery store a couple weeks ago and on a whim, decided to try it. I bought it for just under $2.50 at Smith's our local Kroger store.

Pizza is easily my kid's favorite meal and I have a sneaking suspicion they're not alone. I like making my own pizza dough as I can up the health factor by using whole wheat flour, yet sometimes I just need a quick meal! To me, "artisan" means higher quality and simple- so I was expecting a short list of ingredients full of items I recognized. Well, I saw the whole wheat flour and a few other things I knew how to pronounce, but there was still an awful lot of other junk. {I'm sure all that other junk was critical in allowing the dough to essentially pop out of a can. So let's just take the whole "Artisan" label with a grain of salt, shall we?!}

Quick indeed! The dough was very easy to work with and it only took about a minute to get it all laid out on the sheet. I did spray the sheet first and sprinkle some corn meal on it, to prevent the pizza from sticking.

Product Review: Pillsbury Artisan Pizza Crust, Butter with a Side of Bread

Since the pizza was pretty big we opted for four different topping combinations, which the kids thought was awesome. Four choices! I put cherry tomatoes from the garden on mine. Funny how no one else was interested in those slices. Lucky me.

Product Review: Pillsbury Artisan Pizza Crust, Butter with a Side of Bread

I think my husband and I both were surprised at how much we liked it. I mean, it was no Settebello, but even still, for dinner that popped out of a can, it was pretty good! The crust didn't really puff up like normal pizza crust does and it was kind of crunchy. My kids seemed to enjoy it, but neither my husband or I really liked ours. It did taste better than frozen pizza though, which is a plus! We have a family of 6 and my kids can eat, so one pizza didn't quite fill us up. Add a nice side salad though and dinner is served!

Will I buy this again? Truthfully, I'm not sure. I think I need to try out making a larger batch of my homemade pizza dough and freezing it in smaller portions. Has anyone tried this? I'm thinking that might be a better solution for me. I bought 2 cans, so I still have one left. I think I'll save it for a night when hubby and I are going out on a date. It's an easy, cheap meal that they really liked and I can at least control the toppings!

Have you tried Pillsbury Artisan Pizza Crust? What did you think?

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