Tomato pickle - thakkali urugaya

Intake of tomatoes has long been linked to heart health. Fresh tomatoes and tomato extracts have been shown to help lower total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. One of the most well known tomato eating benefit is its' Lycopene content. Lycopene is a vital anti-oxidant that helps in the fight against cancerous cell formation as well as other kinds of health complications and diseases. Free radicals in the body can be flushed out with high levels of Lycopene, and the tomato is so amply loaded with this vital anti-oxidant that it actually derives its rich redness from the nutrient.

 Now a prepare a instant pickle with it.Tomato pickle is a favourite pickle of all my family members. This pickle is very easy to prepare with available ingredients.It can also prepared very quickly.

preparation time:1/2 an hour.

Riped tomato - 3.
salt - 11/2 tsp.
tamarind - small amla size.
mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp.
fenugreek seeds - 1/4 tsp.
sesame oil - 50 g [ 1  ladle of oil]
chilli powder - 2 1/2 tsp.
hing -1/4 spoon.

  • prepare thick tamarind extract.
  • In a dry kadai add 1/4tsp of mustard seeds and 1/4 tsp of fenugreek seeds till it turns brown colour and prepare a dry powder and keep it aside.[you also get a good smell when fenugreek seeds, started turning brown colour].
  • chop the tomatoes very finely.
  •  Take  a heavy bottomed vessel, heat the oil, add 1/4 tsp of mustard seeds.
  • When the mustard seeds splutters,add hing.
  • Add chopped tomatoes saute for 5 minutes.
  • Now add tamarind extract,chillipowder,salt.
  • with medium flame, Saute well , till the oil seperates, and tomatoes turns mushy.
  • finally add dry powder(mustard fenugreek powder),that we prepared already and  saute for 5 to 7 minutes.
  • now the tomato pickle is ready. Store it an airtight container. you can refregirate, it  for 5 to 6 months.
  • It goes very well with dosa,idli,chapati and rice.
  • It will be a very good choice,when you take it for travelling.
Note: In a bowl you can mix one medium size chopped onions, and  2 to 3 tsp of tomato pickle and you can also have for dosa's and idli's.It will be a very good accomplishment.

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