Death Brings Life into Perspective: Simple Living Idea

kids running trees

The night hurricane Sandy hit my town two boys ages 11 and 13, neighbors, were hanging out with their siblings in one of the boy's living room. A 90 foot tree fell on the house and killed them both.

A cry of grief has not stopped echoing through my town.

My kids were classmates of both of the boys though not close friends, but our town is small. There are only about 100 kids per grade. They all know each other. One mom I knew from Girl Scouts. The other mom I knew from when I wrote the PTO newsletter. We were not close, but it didn't stop me from breaking down into tears when I heard about the boys' death.

Small towns are a single organism. Their children are their hearts. If a child dies everyone's heart aches. 

The natural order of life was not just disrupted by this storm it was broken... a parent should never have to bury a child.

These deaths were a Simple Living realization to everyone in my town. We all weathered this storm well because when people in my town greet each other they say: "So I don't have power, so I lost my groceries, so it's a little cold... we'll get all of these things back... but those boys... those boys are gone forever." 

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