Jalapeno Cranberry Sauce

There are different kinds of cranberry sauce out there. The kind that most people are familiar with is jelled and comes from a can. Personally I find this cranberry sauce revolting though I know plenty of people who somehow like it. Making your own cranberry sauce is almost as simple as opening a can. It takes very little effort. This recipe is more like a tasty dip. It works great with turkey, pork, or chicken. I've added jalapeno to give it a nice kick. It is absolutely delicious and you'll be wondering where this "dip" has been your whole life. It could change your entire Thanksgiving experience! Try using it on other occasions throughout the holidays. I once brought 2 gallons of this to a church Christmas party and people were licking the bowls. It really is that good!


12 oz cranberries

1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 jalapeno, roughly sliced


1. In a medium saucepan combine orange juice, brown sugar, sugar, and cranberries.

2. Cover and cook over medium heat until mixture boils and cranberries start to pop.

3. Toss in the jalapenos and put the lid back on and allow to sit for 2 minutes.

4. Transfer mixture to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

5. Allow mixture to cool down a bit before serving.

Cranberries can be intimidating to work with if you've never worked with them before. Cranberries are harvested by flooding the fields where the cranberry plants grow. The cranberries rise to the top of the water and can be scooped up. Your cranberries will come in a 12 oz bag and should be stored in the refrigerator until you are ready to use them. Rinse your cranberries in a colander. Pick through the cranberries and pull out any that are squishy as these have gone bad. Cranberries should be nice and hard and can only be softened by heating them. When they get hot they pop open and explode. Cranberries can be eaten raw, cooked, or can be juiced.

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