How To Cook Live Lobster

I have been wanting to cook a live lobster for quite a while now and I finally did it. Dear Readers, this was an awesome experience and I really think you should try it some time. It was scary, it was easy, it was fun, and it was delicious. I don't usually include a lot of pictures, but this time I'll make an exception and give you a picture for every step. Cooking a lobster can be done by even the most novice chef. All you have to know how to do is boil water. Bravery is also pretty helpful. The point is, you can totally do this!

Step 1

Purchase a live lobster. They'll put them in a bag. You'll hear them moving around during the drive home. Don't freak out.

Step 2

Boil water in a large pot (must have a lid). Add in a bit of flavoring if desired. I put in the juice of a lemon, the lemon rind, and a bay leaf.

Step 3

Get that sucker out the bag. This is perhaps the hardest part. Get a good grip on the body and be prepared for it to move its tail. My first try I jumped away screaming like a little girl.

Step 4

Look the little creature in the eye and let it know it is about to die. I feel like it is only fair to give it some warning.

Step 5 

Clip the bands off the claws. I thought it might try to pinch me when I removed the rubber bands. Those claws didn't even move.

Step 6

Plunge the lobster head first into the water like a heartless human being. Feel free to squeal a little because you totally just killed your own dinner.

Step 7

Cover with the lid and allow to cook. Make sure no antenna or legs are sticking out. A 1.5 lb lobster should take about 15 minutes.

Step 8


Step 9

Go to town on that lobster and devour the delicious meat hidden within the shell.

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