I. Juice.
I feel so special saying that! I've always wanted to start, but never got up the gumption (can I use that word? I never use that word. And I like it!). I tried juicing a bunch of greens + a banana once in my magic bullet, and it tasted like dirt, grass, and sticky goo. It was dreadful! A coworker of mine recently did a juice fast, and I was completely mesmerized. Like, I interrogated her. She told me she got a juicer at a really good price ($50 from Walmart), and when I went in a few days ago, I dove right in and bought myself my very own juicer. And a ridiculous amount of produce:) We went straight home and I told Elle it was time to make our "fruit milkshakes" (I know, lies. But I'm ok with that.)
Let me take a step backward: although Elle can eat fruit like there's no tomorrow, this girl refuses to eat 99% of veggies. As does my husband. He's worse. And he won't eat fruit either. I'm concerned for his life.
I have always loved the idea of healthy and clean eating, but it's kind of an uphill, lonely, battle in my house! If juicing would work, it seemed like a great solution to the nutrient deficiency that lurks around these parts.
Let me take a step backward: although Elle can eat fruit like there's no tomorrow, this girl refuses to eat 99% of veggies. As does my husband. He's worse. And he won't eat fruit either. I'm concerned for his life.
I have always loved the idea of healthy and clean eating, but it's kind of an uphill, lonely, battle in my house! If juicing would work, it seemed like a great solution to the nutrient deficiency that lurks around these parts.
I washed and set up my bounty (above), and attempted to create a "milkshake" that would win Elle over- I didn't want to scare her off right out of the gate! Little did I know that the below ingredients would make approx. 3 tbsp. of juice:) I added tons more than is shown! I'm going out on a limb to say that juicing isn't exactly the most economical thing in the world, but that's ok! First, I ended up juicing (approx.):
1 1/2 c. spinach
1 c. strawberries
1/2 c. blueberries
1 pear
1 pear
1 banana
Above is straight out of the juicer. Below is what happened within 60 seconds.
Hello!? Juice #1? Devoured by child.
My thoughts: 1) Awesome! and 2) ok, I guess I'll make another so I can actually try some juice:)
Ahem, juice #2 (see the first photo):
1 1/2 c. spinach
2 large spears of pineapple
1/2 c. blueberries
1/2 c. strawberries
Immediately upon expulsion (is that even a word? I'm getting creative today), Elle saw the colors- "Oooooh! That's pretty! Can I have more?!" Smart me at least poured half into my own glass so I could partake of the goodness. It was so good! Ok, I know, I know, calorically, these are probably off the charts. They are packed with fruit and not so many veggies, but baby steps right? I know at least I can fill us with nutrients, and it tastes really good!
Today I made a third juice... this time, it went as follows:

1 1/2 c. spinach
2 carrots
3 large spears of pineapple
1/3 c. strawberries
1/3 c. blueberries
1 kiwi
1 pear
Guess what? So good again! I was in shock & awe that Elle drank it since she watched me add the carrots and spinach this time- "Mommy... where'd the carrot go? I don't like carrots..." "Oh, it's just making your juice have an orange swirl! Like a rainbow!" She didn't chug this one as fast, but the carrots did taste pretty evident in this batch. That being said, I still got a good cup or two of juice down her, and I enjoyed most the rest of it myself!
Now, a few thoughts:
1- Juicers (all of them? I'm not sure) sound like a helicopter is launching from inside your kitchen. I was not prepared for the noise level. Or the shaking. Holy Toledo, Batman!
2- I lined the "remnant" part of the juicer with a grocery bag. It saved washing 1 dish. Which was worth it seeing as though this is not a clean process! I had pieces of fruit and juice all over the place! Very helpful. I loathe dishes:)
3- I had no idea you literally add fruit & veggies whole. Like, whole, whole in most cases.
4- People spend $10,000 on these? That's intense. Just thought I'd point that out.
5- If you missed it, I typed up a little "how to cut a pineapple tutorial" here.
6- I'll be back with updates! I'm excited to try more citrus varieties. And as all of us get used to the veggies... more veggies:) I have a beet that's just staring at me, waiting to be pulverized! Stay tuned, folks. The Petersen's are a juicin' family!
I'd LOVE to hear your recipes! Especially kid-tested ones. Which may work on Elle... and hopefully my husband, too:)